"The works of mercy are the opposite of the
works of war: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless,
nursing the sick, visiting the prisoner. But we are destroying
crops, setting fire to entire villages and to the people
in them. We are not performing the works of mercy but the
works of war. "
Dorothy Day
Our life is more than our work and our work is
more than our jobs.
We at the Catholic Worker embrace a Spirituality of work.
We see our daily work not so much as making a living but
rather living a way of life. We are all volunteers and live-in
Catholic Worker volunteers are provided with room and board.
Hopefully, the fruits of our labor contributes in some small
way to humanizing and healing the wounded places in the
world and ourselves. All of our efforts reflect our attempt
to give expression to the Social Teachings of the church
found in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
Some "Works" of the Las Vegas Catholic
Wednesday- Saturday morning prayer & feeding
the hungry
Wednesday morning Hospitality Day
Two Hospitality Houses providing shelter for
the homeless
Monthly food box distribution for families
and seniors
Quarterly newsletter Manna in the Wilderness
Weekly Vigil for peace and justice calling
for an end to war
Community meetings and celebrations