“The greatest challenge of the
day is how to bring about a revolution of the heart.”
Dorothy Day
“Nonviolence is not primarily
a tactic. It is a way of living and being and expressing the
truth of your soul in the world.”
Daniel Berrigan
“…help us love those who
hate us so we can change the world.”
Ceasar Chavez
From the beginnings in 1933 the Catholic
Worker paper expressed a commitment to nonviolence; opposing
all war, violence and social injustice. The Catholic Social
teachings on the dignity of all life and the interconnectedness
of the human family, inspire Catholic Workers to express in
word and nonviolent action their opposition to policies that
cause suffering and violate the sanctity of life. Nonviolent
public witness has been less understood as a “work of
mercy” but it is clear to Catholic Workers that war,
injustice and institutional violence perpetuate the cycle
of poverty.
It is not enough to feed the poor without challenging the
structures that keep people impoverished.